Bahrain: Decision No. 1 of 2014 Regarding the Regulation of Recruitment Offices’ Licenses





Decision No. 1 of 2014 Regarding the Regulation of Recruitment Offices’ Licenses


Date of adoption


09 January 2014

Entry into force


24 January 2014

Text versions



–  Official Journal Issue No. 3140 (23 January 2014), pp. 31 – 35, Legislation & Legal Opinion Commission, Kingdom of Bahrain, accessed: 10 September 2014,



Keywords: Bahrain, Laws & Regulations, Recruitment

Art. 2 lists the conditions for granting a recruitment office license to an applicant, which include being a Bahraini citizen.

Art. 5 lists the commitments of a person licensed to establish a recruitment office.

In accordance with Art. 6, a licensed person who facilitates the conclusion of a work contract between domestic workers and employers must provide adequate temporary accommodation with proper facilities and a female supervisor until they move to the accommodation allocated to them by their new employer.

Art. 8 lists the conditions under which a license may be cancelled.