Kuwait: Amiri Decree No. 17 of 1959 issuing the Aliens Residence Law





Amiri Decree No. 17 of 1959 issuing the Aliens Residence Law



Date of adoption




Last amended by: Law No. 6 of 2011



Entry into force



In effect


Text versions






Legal Information Network of the Gulf Cooperation Council, accessed: 9 May 2013






The Amiri Decree 17/1959 regulating the residency rules for expatriates consists of 28 articles.

The Ministry of Interior (Department of Immigration), the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are responsible for enforcing these laws.


Art. 1 prohibits expatriates from entering or departing Kuwait without a valid passport issued by the formal authority in his/ her country. GCC nationals are exempted from this rule as they can use their national ID cards in lieu of a passport.


Art. 2 requires that the passport be stamped with a visa issued by a Kuwaiti Consulate abroad.


Art. 4 stipulates that expatriate must enter or depart Kuwait only from authorized entry/ exit points and that their passports must be stamped by the competent authority.


Art. 6 requires all expatriates who’ve entered Kuwait to report to the Immigration Authority in the district where they are residing within 48 hours of their entry. If they relocate to a new residence within the district then they must inform the department of their new address. In case they relocate to a new residence within another district, they must inform the Immigration Authority in both districts should they change their address. The Immigration Authority must also be informed of the birth of new children to an expatriate within two months of the newborn’s date of birth.


Art. 8 requires expatriates to provide their passports upon request to the Department of Citizenship and Passports, submit any requested information and report to the department’s offices on the assigned date. In case of loss of or damage to the passport, expatriates must inform the department within 3 days.